Each player starts the game with three donkeys, a pile of wooden boards, a number of stones and two geese. With these few resources, you try to build such diverse things as woodcutters, roads, boats, mines, a stock exchange... but beware! There is no concept of territory in this game: you cannot own land, nor buildings, so the things you build can be used by any other player...
• Instead of fitting Roads & Boats on your shelf, you could fit the entire publication catalog of Jellybean Games, even with the company doubling its catalog over the next twelve months. In addition to the just released Village Pillage, a simultaneous play game about raising and stealing turnips, Jellybean Games plans to release the following titles, with all of them being designed or co-designed by the company's own Peter C. Hayward:
—Hidden Panda in June 2019, with 5-8 players secretly taking the roles of pandas (who want their babies back), bandits (who want to net pandas), and the keeper (who wants the pandas to be happy). If all pandas are netted by the end of the third round, then the bandits win; otherwise the team with the most panda babies wins.
—Brains! in September 2019, with this 2-5 player game challenging you to play cards for either their brain value or their special ability, with everyone racing to collect 21 brains first.
—Dracula's Feast: New Blood in January 2020, with this being an updated version of 2017's Dracula's Feast, with 4-8 players trying to bite one another or not get bit.
—Jabberwocky in April 2020, with this 1-7 player game featuring nine different games that can be played with the same components: a mancala-style game, an area control game, a solo puzzle game, and so on. BGG user Jamie Thul has a nice overview of Joel Colombo's solo game here, and you can download the print-and-play materials from Jellybean (PDF) should you want to try any or all of these designs one year in advance.