• In newsletter #106 (PDF) from Rio Grande Games, Jay Tummelson lays out the titles to expect from RGG in the first half of 2011:
• Designer Frederic Moyersoen has noted on his blog that multiple companies have picked up Saboteur 2, sometimes as an expansion, sometimes as a standalone game, and sometimes as a combined base game plus expansion, as is the case with original publisher Gigamic. He includes a pic of the Z-Man Games edition of Saboteur 2, which bears this label: "You need a copy of Saboteur to play this expansion."
• Spanish publisher nestorgames has released "a game like soccer" from Dieter Stein called 11. Pics and a list of available teams on the nestorgames' website.
• Fantasy Flight Games has previewed BattleLore: Code of Chivalry with notes on the knights included therein.
• In other FFG news, the publisher has posted tournament rules for Dust Tactics.
• GameSalute.com has posted a huge number of preview pics of Alderac's Thunderstone: Dragonspire on its Facebook page.
• Trask at LivingDice.com has done the same for Alderac's Nightfall, albeit with only three images.