The aim of Paladins of the West Kingdom is to be the player with the most victory points (VP) at game's end. Points are gained by building outposts and fortifications, commissioning monks and confronting outsiders. Each round, players will enlist the help of a specific Paladin and gather workers to carry out tasks. As the game progresses, players will slowly increase their faith, strength and influence. Not only will these affect their final score, but they will also determine the significance of their actions. The game is concluded at the end of the seventh round.
• Fireside Games is ready to enlist children in the preservation of a kingdom thanks to the March 6, 2019 release of My First Castle Panic, a version of Justin De Witt's Castle Panic for 1-4 children ages 4 and up. Here's an overview of the game:
In the game, monsters follow a single path toward a single, large, eye-catching castle, which is protected by one wall. Each step toward the castle is identified by a color and a shape. Players hold cards in their hands with cute defenders who also have a color and shape. When a card is played that matches the location of the monster, that monster is captured and thrown in the dungeon. Tension builds as more monsters are placed and move along the path toward the castle. If the castle is destroyed, the players lose; if it still stands when all the monsters are in the dungeon, the players win.
• In a profile in the Columbia Business Times, Feudum designer Mark Swanson says that he's been working with "3D modeler Scott Ryan and miniatures painter Bruce Monson to develop artisan versions of some of the pieces in the game, namely three-dimensional vessels and castles. After seeing the potential, I decided to unveil these upgrades in a Kickstarter campaign in early 2019 in a mini expansion called Feudum: Rudders & Ramparts. The deluxe components may be used to play a military variant of the game or be enjoyed solely for their beauty." Swanson also mentions that his next game is in the early stages: