This game, as with Castellers and Castellers! before it, is based on the Catalonian tradition of building human towers during festivals. What differentiates this game from those earlier designs is that it broadens the focus from creating merely a single tower. From the description: "Visit Catalonian cities, expand your team of castellers, learn tower-building skills, and show off your tower-building prowess at local performances and festival competitions."
• Due out in Q1 2018 from Renegade Game Studios is Lucidity: Six-Sided Nightmares, which was funded by Australian game publisher Fox Tale Games on Kickstarter in early 2017 and will now get a wider North American release via Renegade. Lucidity is a press-your-luck dice-roller in which the dice represent dreams that can either give you the symbols you need or possibly turn you into a nightmare that will then stalk other players.
• Renegade also plans to release three titles that originated from Finnish publisher Lautapelit.fi, with Emanuele Ornella's bidding card game Byzanz, Mikko Punakallio's exploration-based Dokmus, and the Dokmus: Return of Erefel expansion all due out in Q1 2018.
• Finally, in early 2018 Renegade will release a new version of Danny Devine's Topiary, which debuted from Italian publisher Fever Games in April 2017. In the game, players visit a topiary garden and try to get good views while the garden gets filled in as the game progresses.
• Privateer Press has released a ton of material for both Warmachine and Hordes over the years, with me following none of it as I'm not a minis guy. Perhaps the company has heard of folks such as me and decided to try to lure us to the table as in late October 2017 it released Company of Iron, a squad-based skirmish game that contains two 20-point armies and rules compatible with most Warmachine and Hordes miniatures, while being streamlined enough to make the game an entry point to those larger universes.
• Privateer Press has also launched a new direct-to-consumer product line bearing the brand "Black Anchor Heavy Industries" to make its "high-end, large-scale Warmachine and Hordes models" more available. The line launches with the Dracodile, which carries a $110 MSRP; future releases include "the Northkin battle engine Hearthgut Hooch Hauler for a January release and Skarre, Admiral of the Black Fleet, and her Ghost Ship in early spring 2018".
• Mayfair Games has announced that Michael Kiesling's Riverboat and Uwe Rosenberg's Agricola: Artifex Deck, both of which debuted from Lookout Spiele at SPIEL '17 in late October, will be released in English in the U.S. in late November 2017.