• In other news from Pegasus Spiele, the publisher will release a German edition of R. Eric Reuss' Spirit Island in September 2018.
• In Q3 2018, Floodgate Games will release Sagrada: 5 & 6 Player Expansion, which has components that allow for play with up to six players, as well as new objectives and window patterns to allow for more variety during play.
• In a change of plans, Plan B Games has announced that Emerson Matsuuchi's Century: Golem Edition, which was initially available solely through the Plan B Games website or at conventions, will be available at retail outlets in North America starting in Q2 2018.
What's more, several non-North American publishers have signed on for the reprint that's currently under way, so in that same time frame the game should be available in France, Belgium, Luxembourg, The Netherlands, and Japan. Plan B's Mike Young emphasizes that no sequels are in the works for Century: Golem Edition, so don't expect to see a golemized version of Century: Eastern Wonders, the second title in the Century series, down the road.
• In other Plan B news, Azul will move to Plan B.'s Next Move Games imprint in Q3 2018. The game is already being reprinted at the moment with that print run (bearing the Plan B logo) due out in March 2018. No changes to the game are taking place other than the logo, but the move is meant to emphasize the types of games — both in terms of design and components — that will be released by Next Move.
• Hey, remember those "choose your own adventure"-style books from Makaka Editions that I mentioned yesterday while writing about Blue Orange Games? Turns out that publisher Van Ryder Games now has English-language distribution rights in the U.S. and Canada for several books in the series, and it plans to launch a Kickstarter campaign in March 2018 to fund production of these titles under a new "Graphic Novel Adventures" imprint.