Race for the Galaxy: Jump Drive is a fast-paced card game that introduces players to the Race for the Galaxy universe. Can you build the most prosperous galactic civilization?
• The other RGG title, also likely to be released in Q4 2016, is Temporum: Alternate Realities, an expansion for Donald X. Vaccarino's Temporum that is more description than details at this point:
Temporum: Alternate Realities, an expansion for Temporum, adds 48 more Zones and 60 more Player cards, plus chits and cards used by the new Zones.
• Another Q4 2016 release that you can demo at Gen Con 2016 is 13 Minutes: The Cuban Missile Crisis, a sequel of sorts by Asger Sams Granerud and Daniel Skjold Pedersen to their own 13 Days: The Cuban Missile Crisis from Jolly Roger Games and Ultra Pro. Here's an overview: