At other times, though, I'm left with Google Translate and only a vague idea of what some tantalizing thing might be. In these cases, I grasp what I can, then hope that the game doesn't fall under the waves forever, which all too often it does.
• Shogo Kuroda's Demon Worker first appeared in 2016 from cosaic and Group SNE, and now Japanime Games has licensed the title for release in English and other languages, most likely in early 2018 (as Japanime previously said the game would be out in 2017, but that year is almost over). What kind of game is this? The answer is right in the name:
With these resources, you can summon new demons and create impulse points — and whoever ends up with the most impulse points will claim the demon throne.
• Hundreds of new titles debuted at Tokyo Game Market in early December 2017, with one of those being Tadashi Ohtani's Match Me!: What color is this? from COLON ARC, a quick-playing cooperative game for 2-6 players that works like this:
The game can be played at different skill levels, and as you play, the game gets harder.
The start player in a round draws one tile from each company, looks at the point values for each of them, discards one from play, then places the others in a column with some of them above the break-even line (a thick string) and others below. Each other player in turn either moves one tile from the top of the column to the bottom (or vice versa) while keeping the column in the same position relative to the break-even line or moves the column up or down by one level. The starting player for the round does this action last, then this position rotates clockwise, and the next starting player begins another round.
After eight rounds, the game ends and the point values of all tiles above the break-even line are revealed. The player who owns the company with the highest collective value wins!
• Given my love of R-Eco and of card games in general, I perked up when I heard of Animale Tattica, a new release at TGM from Susumu Kawasaki through Kawasaki Factory. Here's a summary of the gameplay:
Each player has a different deck of sixteen cards. Usually you have to play cards with a higher rank than those played by the previous player, but if you've collected cards of the same rank and the total of that rank equals the total of the rank that previous player played, you can play those cards instead.
On a turn, a player chooses a disc and places it in an empty hole or a hole with a single layer disc in it. (Two layers of discs are the same height as the top of the game board.) A player wins the game if they create a row of three discs that are of height 1, 2, and 3 or a row of four discs at the same height or a row of four discs that are all either holed or not-holed.
• Not every game at TGM in December was new. タンポポ (Dandelion) from 高井 九 (Ko Takai) and ひとりじゃ、生きられない。(I Cannot Live By Myself) was making a return appearance from its debut in May 2017, with a slightly revised rulebook from that release, which often happens with returning TGM titles. Here's what I gathered from the game description: