The fan-created Neuroshima Hex! army Uranopolis, created by Cornelius and available in a print-and-play format on BGG, will be published as part of the official NH line in time for Spiel 2014. Portal will release Neuroshima Hex! Mississippi on its own in English.
Trzewiczek also showed off a couple of other items, promising a more detailed report soon:

Imperial Settlers was all over the place at the convention — but the game depicted above was actually being played not in Poland but in my hometown. Yes, Portal sent me a preview copy, so I got to participate in my own mini-PORTALkon. I'll post a detailed overview of the game in the near future, but I wanted to note that in response to numerous requests, Portal has opened preorders for Imperial Settlers for pick-up at Gen Con 2014 so that you can rush the doors to some other booth instead of Portal's. That's considerate of them, I suppose.
• If you're not a Munchkin fan, then this post ends here for you. If you are, though, then Steve Jackson Games has all sorts of expansions and decorations and doodads lined up for you, with November 2014 seeing the release of Munchkin Holidazed (the 2014 holiday-themed booster pack, with eleven new cards and four reprints from Munchkin Holiday Surprise), Munchkin Journal Pack 3 (three 48-page pocket journals as well as a new card for use with Munchkin), +6 Bag O' Munchkin Legends (new Munchkin pawns with a Legends look), and a reprint of Munchkin Game Changers (previously available only through the Barnes & Noble bookstore chain.
Oh, and in addition to Munchkin Loot Letter (announced on BGGN in March 2014), Alderac Entertainment Group and SJG are combining forces for Munchkin Smash Up, which as you might guess is a Munchkin-themed version of Paul Peterson's Smash Up. SJG's Brian Engard notes that Alderac will be developing the game with feedback from SJG to ensure a smooth merging of the two game systems.
As [url=BOOM! Studios]announced in mid-June 2014[/url], at some point BOOM! Studios will start releasing Munchkin comics, with the stories being released in four-issue arcs. While the comics will be available for download, the physical versions will come with bonus Munchkin cards. Also announced at that time, Funko will make a line of Munchkin toys, each with its own Munchkin card.
Before those items hit retail outlets, however, you can partake of the Munchkin Messenger Bag, which is (to my understanding) an Amazon.com exclusive, with the bag containing a jumbo-sized die and four new bag-related Munchkin cards.
Oh, and We Love has released a line of Munchkin T-shirts, albeit card-less shirts, so who's going to want those?!
Finally, and with no release date attached yet, is a foil box edition of the Munchkin base game. Why might you want a foil box edition of the Munchkin base game? Well, for the same reasons that you might want anything.