• Uwe Rosenberg's At the Gates of Loyang is returning to print, with Pegasus Spiele planning to have German-language copies on hand at SPIEL 2016 in October and with Tasty Minstrel Games bringing the English-language version to market at a later date.
• WizKids has announced another D&D-related title in its board game line-up, but this design from Cappel, Lim and Cormier is a far different beast than its Temple of Elemental Evil Board Game. Here's a rundown of Dungeons & Dragons: Rock Paper Wizard, due out January 2017 but possibly showing up in time for advance sales at SPIEL 2016:
The players have cards depicting various well-known D&D spells, and each card shows a Rock-Paper-Scissors gesture that the player must make to cast, while pointing at another player as the target of the spell. All players choose their spells simultaneously, and the spells can move the wizards closer or farther away from the treasure or affect the game state in other ways as well.
The first player to collect 25 gold wins.
• I realize that BGG News posts have been sporadic of late, which is odd since this is the time of year in which I see more info on new games than any other. I've just been pouring all of that information onto BGG's SPIEL 2016 Preview — now up to four hundred listings! — and forgetting to post about them in this spot. I keep thinking about posting this or that, but then I see another five games and forget about the earlier ones. I'll try to keep y'all more up-to-date in the days and weeks ahead...