• In its June 2012 newsletter, with Nightfall: Dark Rages still a few weeks away from release, Alderac Entertainment Group reveals the next title in the Nightfall line – Nightfall: Crimson War, also due for a 2012 release – and one item included in it: the Summon deck, which consists of creatures that come into play when you draft and use cards with the "Summon" ability.
• Designer Jeph Stahl has posted an early cover design for 1775: Rebellion, game #2 in Academy Games' "Birth of America" series (following Stahl's and Beau Beckett's 1812: The Invasion of Canada), which is due out in English in November 2012 from Academy and in French from Asyncron Games with a release date yet to be announced. Asyncron has a short description of 1775, Rébellion in French and a couple of prototype images on its website.
• U.S. publisher Nevermore Games has announced its next release: Mars Needs Mechanics from newcomer Ben Rosset, albeit no release date for the game. Here's a brief description:
In Mars Needs Mechanics, players represent engineers and tinkerers from all over the Empire who have come to compete for this prodigious opportunity. Starting the game with only 30 cogs (currency), players will utilize unique game mechanisms that emphasize timing to collect sets of components and build steampunk mechanisms aimed at earning even more cogs. At the end of the competition, the engineer with the most cogs will earn his place as Astronautical Engineer on the crew of the H.M.S. Victoria VII.
• Spanish publisher nestorgames has released two items in recent days, the first of which is Pool, Lagoon and Trunks, an expansion for Hippos & Crocodiles (and its Buffalos expansion) that adds new game boards on which to play, tree trunks with which to block spaces on which to play, and additional animals.
The other item is Cameron Browne's Pentalath, which was previously playable with the components for Yavalath but has now been released with the trapezoid-shaped game board as originally intended by its digital designer, a program named Ludi created by Browne. (Browne discussed the origins of Yavalath and the nature of evolutionary game design in a BGGN diary in June 2011.)
• And on the crowdfunding side of things we have the card-drafting and -placement game Among the Stars from designer Vangelis Bagiartakis and publisher Artipia Games. Here's a brief description:
In Among the Stars, each player takes the role of one of those races, trying to build the best space station. Through a drafting mechanism, the players select location cards and place them on their station, scoring victory points based on where they place them. The construction lasts four years, and whoever has the most points in the end wins.