Because you can make combos with lots of features on historical cards and you can score in various ways, Patchistory will give you another new exciting play every time it hits the table.
• When Z-Man Games announced in 2012 that it was the new English-language license partner with Hans im Glück and asked what people wanted to see, Michael Kiesling's Vikings was one of the top requests. Now Z-Man has announced that a new edition of Vikings will be released in Q2 2014.
• Z-Man Games also plans to release a fourth title in the Pocket Battles series of games from Paolo Mori and Francesco Sirocchi. Details on that are forthcoming the week of January 27, 2014.
• On Facebook, AEG posted a pic of a new POP display that holds its line of small, boxed, quick-playing card games such as Agent Hunter, Maximum Throwdown and various editions of Love Letter. From the announcement: "Retailers can then restock with those games and upcoming new games such as Sail to India, Valley of the Kings, Seventh Hero, and more!"
Wait, what was that last one again? AEG's Todd Rowland has let me know that Seventh Hero is "another under-the-radar Japan import", more specifically a card game that plays with up to four players due out in 2014 that isn't yet in the BGG database. Okay, that's still not very specific, but more details will come later.
• U.S. publisher Fantasy Flight Games has announced a new expansion for John Goodenough's Relic board game, with Relic: Nemesis having an anticipated release date of April 2014. Lots of new stuff is being added to the game, as detailed here:
Nemesis also adds player-versus-player combat through a standalone "Apostates versus Devotee" mechanism; characters who choose to try to use new Apostate wargear — proscribed technology created by enemies of the Imperium — become Apostates, subject to the prosecution of other, more puritanical, Devotee characters.
Finally, Nemesis adds four new Scenarios to Relic, such as the "Hulk of the Wayward Warrior", in which players must complete a clean-up mission of the long lost space hulk, Wayward Warrior, and the "Master Collector" scenario that requires players to bring precious but forbidden treasures to an infamous and reclusive Rogue Trader.