Already own everything MK-related but want the new rulebook? Zev Shlasinger from WizKids says, "We have made rules online for all the games we have published since my tenure at Wizkids, and Mage Knight Ultimate Edition will not be different." As for availability of the new cards, he says, "I make no promises, but if they were to become available probably not for six months to a year after the initial release."
• WizKids has removed Blade Runner 2049: Nexus Protocol (announced here) from its list of game releases so I've removed the game listing from the BGG database since the title won't exist, but the publisher has added another licensed title in that same June 2018 release slot: Star Trek: Galactic Enterprises from Christophe Boelinger. Here's a summary of the gameplay:
In Star Trek: Galactic Enterprises, 3 to 8 Ferengi buy and sell their wares, trying to monopolize a particular item for greater profit. However, once other Ferengi get those same items for sale, it becomes a matter of negotiation: Do you work together to gain the same profit, or do you agree to cooperate, then sell at a lower price to steal all the profit for yourself? After all, opportunity, plus instinct, equals profit (Rule of Acquisition #9).
Be wary of special action cards that can mess with the business of other Ferengi. The bigger the smile, the sharper the knife (Rule of Acquisition #48). The Ferengi who has earned the most profit becomes the First Clerk!
• Another title we'll get an early look at in GAMA is Scott Rogers' Pantone: The Game, which Cryptozoic Entertainmentplans to release in the second half of 2018. An overview of this party game for 2-20 players:
Dinosaur Island: Totally Liquid is due out in November 2018.