Thus, Portal Games will now be in charge of publishing and distributing the English-language version of NH — both the base game and all army packs, including the newest two: Mississippi and Uranopolis — for the U.S. and European markets, with those editions being compatible with the Z-Man version and all previous versions. Portal's Ignacy Trzewiczek notes that the company will also distribute worldwide the English-language edition of Imperial Settlers, Theseus, and Legacy, along with its future releases.
• Speaking of new releases from Portal, Theseus: The Dark Orbit – Bots is an expansion for Michał Oracz' Theseus that adds a new Bots faction to the game that can replace any other faction — that is, the upper player count of four has not increased.
• Mayfair Games has announced the November 2014 release of Catan: Ancient Egypt (MSRP $75), the latest take on The Settlers of Catan from designer Klaus Teuber. German publisher KOSMOS has already announced this title for release in that country in October 2014 in time for Spiel 2014. A few details about this title:
After you master the Catan: Ancient Egypt base game, you can try these variants:
• Help from the Gods: Ten god cards are now available to player, with their powers adding a variety of options for dynamic gameplay.
• The Great Pyramid: Players can now build and move papyrus boats across the Nile to compete for the pharaoh's blessing and the vizier's favor by building blocks onto the great pyramid.
• In early 2013, WizKids Games floated an image and a vague description of a Injustice: Gods Among Us Dice Building Game from designers Mike Elliott and Eric M. Lang. Spanish publisher and distributor Devir has now published details of what will be called DC Dice Masters: Justice League, which will be sold in starter sets and gravity feed packs in line with the other titles in the Dice Masters series. The release date listed is March 18, 2015, and the image at right is only a temporary promotional image. A short description:
DC Dice Masters: Justice League features fan favorite characters from a variety of Justice Leagues, including Batman, Wonder Woman, Superman, Zatanna, and Martian Manhunter. With gameplay that supports two players in epic dice battles, DC Dice Masters: Justice League lets players build their own version of the Justice League — or even the Legion of Doom!
A player owns a square if it is covered by a Megalith showing his color on the upper face. A Dolmen is a group of at least three adjacent squares belonging to the same player. The game is won by the player with the most Dolmens; in case of a tie, the player with the largest Dolmen wins.