• In March 2014, I posted about a disc-flicking, team-based, western-themed game that Filosofia had signed for release in French and English in 2015. That game from designer Jean-Yves Monpertuis has picked up a co-designer — Gaëtan Beaujannot, who has also co-designer Concept and Guilds of Cadwallon — as well as a final name: What the Flick?!, with Z-Man Games being the publisher of record.
• German publisher Spielworxx plans to release Haspelknecht — the third title in Thomas Spitzer's coal trilogy following Ruhrschifffahrt 1769-1890 and Kohle & Kolonie — in 2015. I know nothing about the game, but you can check out pics of the Haspelknecht prototype on the Spielworxx news page; scroll down to Oct. 11, 2014.
• Also due out in 2015 from Spielworxx is Haithabu from first-time designers Wolfgang Heidenheim and Andreas Molter. Here's an overview of the setting and a smidge of what you're doing in the game:
The subject of constant wars and changes of power, as well as the progressive Christianization of those in the north, Haithabu — known as "Hedeby" in English — had a rich history that ended in 1050 when the Norwegian king sacked and burned the town in a conflict with Denmark.
As Vikings, players trade with all the known world while also living through the changes and dark days at the end of the Early Middle Ages.
In Dilluvia Project, the players represent different companies operating on the construction of the first underwater city. Their purpose is not only to build the city in deep water, but to establish a population there. The estimated capacity of Dilluvia is about 5,000 persons, split among residents, service people and scientific personnel. The player with the most efficient procedures to bring population to Dilluvia will win the game. It's crucial to build competitive buildings, but it's also very important to increase the company prestige in order to capture the interest of new inhabitants.
The game lasts seven months (seven turns), during which the modular buildings will be implemented. Each turn consists of a buying phase (through an original system) followed by a worker placement phase. A special worker allows the first player to occupy the action spot to realize it with a bonus. The dome of Dilluvia is space limited, and all terrain must be bought and approved by the government (as there are some restrictions) before placing any building. Players will also struggle to occupy the preferable areas and try to achieve goals that bring them honorific titles and additional prestige.
After the worker placement phase, each player takes his income (prestige points, money and resources) according to his active buildings and the activated functions in them. (Each building has two different income proposals.) Each month, one event will happen, and the companies may also realize outside works to obtain prosperity.
Will the Dilluvia Project become the seed of a new world underwater, guaranteeing the mankind survival in a more and more scarce world?