• In the category of "unexpected promotional opportunity", I present this post on The Puzzler, which features designer Louis Perrochon soliciting event card ideas from readers in exchange for a chance to win a copy of his Startup Fever, currently active (and fully backed) on Kickstarter. Now that's an original marketing approach...
• Colby Dauch has posted rules (PDF) for the new edition of Dungeon Run being published by Plaid Hat Games.
• Seth Jaffee gives an overview of Phil Eklund's Bios Megafauna, an October 2011 release from Eklund's Sierra Madre Games that's current available for preorder.
• Steve Jackson has posted an update on Ogre, 6th edition, with the summary being that the game will retail for $100, be published in an edition of 3,000 copies, be available through distribution and be released at some undetermined date.
• Gamewright will launch its new Port-a-Party line of games – no, really, Port-a-Party – in May 2011 with the release of Joe Name It and Who Would Win, the latter game first having appeared from Gorilla Games in 2009.
• Alliance Game Distributors has a May 2011 release date for the English version of Richard Garfield's King of Tokyo.
• Mayfair Games has announced a June 2, 2011 release date for The Struggle for Catan,
• A revised edition of Arcana is coming in Q3 2011 from Fantasy Flight Games with two new guilds (for a total of six) and six new rule options.
• Airlines Europe has been released in the U.S. from Rio Grande Games. Ascending Empires and Junta: Viva el Presidente! from Z-Man Games are at distributors and heading to U.S. stores.
• The 2011 card game Eat It! has simple game play that seems to stall in practice – at least in the online version, which has rules that are terribly lacking – but perhaps the time needed to figure out how to explain the game was instead spent making this promo video: