• In other Clever Mojo news, the second printing of Alien Frontiers is due to hit U.S. stores around April 22, 2011, with a third printing in the works since the second printing is already sold out at the publisher level. CMG's David MacKenzie notes that the game has been licensed for two separate European editions in a wide variety of languages.
• Edge Entertainment has set up a game page for Guilty Gods, a new two-player card game set in the Anima universe, yet apparently not compatible with the other Anima card games. (Just for the record, Edge released Anima: The Twilight of the Gods in 2009, with Fantasy Flight Games following with an English release in 2011. I'm not saying that FFG will release Guilty Gods in English – only that any such release might take a while.)
• Fireside Games has posted a preview video of Bloodsuckers using a production sample of the game.
• Ystari Games is now listing early June 2011 – instead of the previously anounced April 2011 – as the release date for Philippe Keyaerts' Olympos.
• In an April 19, 2011 post, Steve Jackson Games highlights the difference in components between Ogre of editions past and the mondo super-colossal, chrome-on-top-of-chrome version of Ogre in the works for a possible 2011 release.
• SJG has also released rules (PDF) for the newest edition – #8! – of The Awful Green Things from Outer Space, which is likely to hit U.S. stores by the end of Apirl 2011.
• Alderac Entertainment has started to preview cards from Thunderstone: Thornwood Siege, due out June 2011.
• Stronghold Games plans to open preorders for Confusion: Espionage and Deception in the Cold War on April 30, 2011 on its new website.
• On Opinionated Gamers, editor Dale Yu (who has been involved with developing the Dominion empire) has posted advance pics of most of the cards included in Dominion: Cornucopia, which is due out May-ish 2011.