• Another March 2014 release from Asmodee is Formula D: New Jersey & Sotchi, the fifth pair of new circuits for the Formula D racing game. Here's an overview of this expansion that will appear in the wake of the Sochi 2014 Olympics:
In Formula D: Circuits 5 - New Jersey & Sotchi, you get to jump into the driver's seat of your Formula One racer and fly around the streets of the Sochi Olympic Village in Russia. Illustrated by Hermann Tilke, architect and designer for numerous modern Formula One racing circuits, Sochi is just the thing to rev your heart rate to the red line.
If underground street racing is your bag, take to the streets in your NOS-powered tuner and scream along the Hudson River in New Jersey. Zoom through public parks and nineteen high-speed turns in the latest addition to Formula D. (Note that you need the Formula D base game in order to use this expansion.)
• We now have details of the Zoch Verlag titles that appeared as little more than names in this BGGN post. Since I'm a fan of trick-taking, let's start with Arve D. Fühler's Scharfe Schoten:
During each trick, you must follow suit, even with the special trump cards. This also makes it difficult to correctly predict which tricks you'll get. In the end, the player who comes closest to his predictions wins.
And in the Geistesblitz category of real-time, pattern recognition games there's Thierry Chapeau's Putz die Wutz:
• German publisher Ravensburger has one other title on its early 2014 agenda, one already released in that country. Kai Haferkamp's Gruselrunde zur Geisterstunde features one of the most elaborate build-a-box structures that I've seen. A video of this thing in action would let me know whether I'm describing it accurately, but I'm pretty sure I've got the gist of it below:
In Gruselrunde zur Geisterstunde, players first construct the villa, placing the walls in the box, then sliding cardboard characters on their cardboard "wands" through some of the ten slots. This villa then has a light placed inside it before a roof is added. Each round, a player is challenged to place two characters into the center of the villa. This player moves two of the wands so that the characters inside the villa are pushed forward; she then peeks through a peephole to see whether she's correct, and if so, she gains a scoring token after other players get to verify the characters. After a player collects her third token, finish the round so that everyone has the same number of turns. Whoever has three tokens wins!
Gruselrunde zur Geisterstunde includes a variant in which each round the active player is challenged to place three characters in the center of the villa (instead of two), and opponents guess whether or not this player was correct. After the active player pushes in the character wands, each opponent secretly places either a "yes" or "no" token in hand, then they reveal them simultaneously. If the active player was right, she gains two scoring tokens while each opponent who guessed "yes" earns one; if she's wrong, then each opponent who guessed "no" earns one token. The winning threshold in this variant is 8-10 tokens, depending on the number of players.