For 2014, I'll stick to introducing the games from KOSMOS and leave out any such predictions. Well, maybe — we'll see what comes up as I start adding games to the database.
First up is Lauge Luchau's Dimension, the short description of which is reminiscent of Luchau's Uluru, another KOSMOS release that dates to 2011. Here's an overview of Dimension:
• Speaking of ball-stacking, when I first saw the box for Blöder Sack, I thought this game was the masculine equivalent of Titty Grab — equality now! — but then I realized that KOSMOS would never do such a thing. (The sunglasses on the bag should have been another giveaway.) No, instead this is a dice game of some sort from designer Ralf zur Linde, and while we're waiting for KOSMOS to publish game rules online for its 2014 releases, I'll pass along all of the description that I was able to grasp:
Whoever thinks he knows exactly which bag to take in Blöder Sack will likely be mistaken as players again and again hunt for the bag that holds the most — and sometimes, the bag taken earliest will turn out to be the most sweet. In the end, whoever owns the most valuable bags wins.
• In a completely different spirit, Michael Rieneck is back with NichtLustig: Fäkalini, another take on dice games within the NichtLustig brand. (A bunny in a toilet — quite appropriate for my humor this post.) An overview of the game:
In this dice game, players try to outdo one another by keeping good tiles for themselves, while leaving the poor tiles for others.