All that said, the time has come for something new from Catan's caretaker. In March 2014, German publisher KOSMOS will release Teuber's Norderwind, and while KOSMOS has yet to publish rules for the titles on its early 2014 release calendar, Norderwind does appear to be something new and non-Catan. Here's a summary:
In the end, the player who finds the best mix of trading and fighting will prove to be the victorious captain.
• In more traditional game announcement news from KOSMOS and Teuber, the publisher plans to release a new edition of Die Siedler von Catan: Das Würfelspiel in 2014 to match the new packaging on the Catan base game. On its website, KOSMOS mentions an "additional game variant" for the 2014 edition of this game, but until the rules are available, the details of said variant will remain a mystery.
• The tenth anniversary edition of Reiner Knizia's Einfach Genial, a.k.a. Ingenious, is another re-release from KOSMOS, with no apparent changes or additions to the game other than the awards depicted on the box cover. (Side note: I haven't played this game in far too long.)
• Drifting slightly from re-releases, we come to German-language editions of previously published games, starting with Paul Berton and George Sinclair's Eye Know, first published by Wiggles 3D in 2007 and a Mensa Select title in 2008. Why would a German version take so long to come about? Who knows? Perhaps KOSMOS has always had its eye on this game and halfway through 2013 it hadn't received any decent submissions for the trivia slot in its publication schedule, so it rummaged through the file of "we'll check it out later" candidates and found this. Maybe. Here's an overview of the game:
To play, draw and reveal a card from the center pile. Does the symbol on your card match one on another player's card? If so, you must quickly face-off with the other player by giving an example of the person, place, or thing on his card before he can do the same for yours. If you blurt out a correct answer first, you win his card and the drawing continues.
Sounds simple, right? Wrong! Wild cards allow unlike symbols to match, increasing the number of things to which you must pay attention. Cascading face-offs can occur when you hand over a lost card, thereby revealing a new top card on your play pile.
In the end, whoever collects the most valuable sluggards wins!