• Designer Klaus Teuber will "launch a series of articles with insights and background story from an upcoming 4th quarter product", according to U.S. publisher Mayfair Games.
• Designer Stephen Tavener's Crosshairs has been released by Spanish publisher nestorgames. Here's a short description of what seems to be an equally short game:
If a player is reduced to having only one game, he's shot from the sky (i.e., is eliminated from the game). A player wins when he reduces the only remaining opponent to only one plane. Games are brutal, fast, and fun.
While the game's design is complete, the game itself lacks a name. Says Flatlined's Eric Hanuise, "We have a few ideas, but I'm sure you have lots of ideas, so we're calling for help. This is not a contest, but we will, of course, find a nice way to thank the best entries. If you think you have a great name for this game, let us know! You can submit your name on this form."
• Dutch publisher White Goblin Games has changed the title of José Antonio Rivero's Congo: Expedition to Africa 1884 to Expedition: Congo River 1884 following the development of a second game design set in Asia that uses similar mechanisms. As Rivero stated in a press release, "We were looking for a way to connect the two games with each other. In the end, what these two games have in common is the adventurous need to go on an expedition in, what is for western travelers, exotic territories. It was an obvious choice for us to connect the games in the title, just like there's Tikal and Tikal II. With the subtitle, we'll make clear where in the world the expedition takes place in each game." Expedition: Congo River 1884 is scheduled to debut at Spiel 2012 in October.
• Warning, somewhat self-promotional item: According to BGG ad guy Chad Krizan, BoardGameGeek is going to sponsor one or two counter sheets for Ogre: Designer's Edition, the mega-giant release from Steve Jackson Games that is currently running up its "most funded board game" status on Kickstarter like Chamberlain running over the