As the heroes of Section M and Majestic in Achtung! Cthulhu: The Secret War, you must race across Europe on vital missions facing ancient terrors, recovering strange artefacts, and learning unspeakable knowledge to help defeat the forces of the Third Reich and the Cultists of the Old Gods. To aid the heroes' desperate endeavors, the players must learn to command the powerful but over-extended Allied forces to help halt the tide of evil!
• As noted in Sept. 2014, Czech Games Edition is no longer licensing titles to U.S. publishers, but working out distribution plans of its own, and ACD Distribution notes that the Czech Games line — Alchemists, Tash-Kalar, Tash-Kalar: Everfrost, Dungeon Lords: Happy Anniversary, and much more from CGE — should be available in the U.S. "soon", with me interpreting "soon" as "by the end of Q1 2015". "Soon" is probably sooner than that, but you never know with the slowdown at U.S. west coast ports due to the continued standoff between union dockworkers and shipping companies.
• In similar news, Passport Game Studios handles U.S. distribution for a number of European publishers, and it's announced a Jan. 23, 2015 release date in the U.S. for Versailles and Progress: Evolution of Technology from NSKN Games and for [redacted] from LudiCreations; a Feb. 13, 2015 release date for Hansa Teutonica, Yunnan and El Gaucho from Argentum Verlag; and a release sometime by the end of Feb. 2015 for Gear & Piston and Byzantio from LudiCreations. I've asked whether Hansa Teutonica: Britannia will also be receiving a Passport and U.S. release.
• And still more upcoming release dates, with Rio Grande Games expecting to have the Mac Gerdts titles Concordia: Britannia & Germania and Antike II out in January 2015. Coming in February 2015 from Rio Grande is Bohnanza: Ladies & Gangsters, an English language collection of Ladybohn: Manche mögen's heiss! and Al Cabohne, which are two standalone games in Uwe Rosenberg's Bohnanza universe, as well as Bohnanza: Princes & Pirates, which is an English language collection of two Bohnanza expansions previously available only in German: Bohnröschen and La Isla Bohnitâ.
• And yet more along the same lines, with Z-Man Games announcing a new edition of Greg Daigle's Hawaii due out in February 2015. Man, hard to believe that more than three years has passed since that game's first release. Time flies like a banana...
• GMT Games expects to release Jim Krohn's Space Empires: Replicators, the second expansion for Space Empires: 4X, in Q2/Q3 2015. What's more, GMT has published an article from Krohn detailing his design philosophy for the game and how Replicators fit that philosophy.