Brought to you by WizKids, with game design by Kevin Wilson, the 2018 Dungeons & Dragons Adventure System Board Game will include cooperative game play designed for 1-5 players. The contents can also be combined with the other D&D Adventure System Cooperative Play board games to create an even more exciting experience.
Expect some details on this game, starting with its setting, in June 2018 because Wizards of the Coast will host a three-day livestream event starting on June 1 called "Stream of Many Eyes" during which "the D&D team will unveil the new adventure story coming this year and showcase extraordinary D&D live play entertainment".
• Time to catch up on a few older announcements that arrived during my trip to Japan: Bézier Games is continuing to increase the percentage of titles in its catalog that include the prefix "were-" via One Week Ultimate Werewolf, a game for 3-7 players from Ted Alspach and Akihisa Okui in which players slowly walk through a castle, entering a new special-powered room each "day" that allows and sometimes compels characters to change roles. Who will you be at the end of the week? Can you make it out alive? Do you even want to?! OWUW, which resembles the cry of a werewolf when the acronym is spoken aloud, is due out in October 2018.
• Maple Games is a new game publisher led by Daryl Andrews, a name you might recognize from Sagrada and a few other designs, but Maple is not intended to be a self-publishing house. No, instead Maple has already placed several titles under contract, including a redeveloped version of Roberta Taylor's Octopus' Garden, a new version of an unidentified Michael Schacht game, a new game co-designed by Alan R. Moon and Bobby West, and a game series by Shannon McDowell, who previously released the escape room game Conundrum: Candy Factory through The Game Crafter.
• Lucky Duck Games, which already has a trilogy of Fruit Ninja games in the works for release in 2018, has announced that it will release a Jetpack Joyride game from Michał Gołębiowski in 2019, with this design being for 1-4 players, with players needing to grab pentomino pieces in real-time to navigate their way around the traps and reach the end of their flight path while scoring coins and mission cards along the way.