No gameplay details or release date have been revealed, but Rule & Make did post pics of the prototype on Instagram in early December 2016 and in mid-December 2016, shown below.
• Lookout Games plans to release a new version of Uwe Rosenberg's Le Havre in 2017, with this version including the base game, all promotional cards released to date, and the Le Grand Hameau expansion, according to frequent Lookout rules editor Grzegorz Kobiela.
• In other news of new editions, in May 2016 Hansa Teutonica designer Andreas Steding surveyed BGG users about the type of setting they might want to see in a possible new version of the game, with the mobsters and the Roaring '20s narrowly beating out a science fiction version. I've followed up with Steding about this item, and he says there's nothing else to say about this right now and nothing to expect in 2017.
• German publisher dlp games will release a German-language version of Hisashi Hayashi's Yokohama in March 2017.
• In a deal announced Dec. 9, 2016, Ninja Division will become the publisher of both Onami and Cthulhu: A Deck Building Game, two titles released by Wyvern Gaming in 2016. The latter title will receive a retail release in Q1 2017, with Onami following in Q2 2017.
• Alderac Entertainment Group has picked up The Captain Is Dead, first released by designers Joe Price and JT Smith via The Game Crafter in 2014, with this new edition due out in April 2017. In this game, 2-7 spaceship crew members have realized that much like the title says, their captain is dead. Now they need to work together to get the ship's engines back online, which is easier said than done since aliens are attacking and keep damaging your ship further.