As for WarQuest, the game description doesn't tell you much now, but Brown says that a Kickstarter project for the title will go live in mid-April, so expect more details then. For now, here's what I've got:
An expansion for Cathala's Five Tribes, likely also debuting at Gen Con 2015, adds new location tiles to the game (expanding the board to 6x6), impassable mountain ranges, and a sixth(!) tribe of artisans that make valuable items and magical objects.
• As of March 2015, R&R Games is working on expansions for both Time's Up! and Spellcaster.
• Anders and Olle Tyrland have started a BGG blog of single-player scenarios for The Battle at Kemble's Cascade, which Z-Man Games released in late 2014.
• In a departure from its well-known Mystery Rummy releases, U.S. Games Systems plans to release Dave Stawar's Backstab: A Macabre Card Game in March 2015. Here's a short description:
In 2016, the new published Agricola basic game will include seven 168 card decks in the box: A,B,C,D,J,K,L
Decks A,B,C = 504 cards will be previously published cards by Uwe (from E,I,K, NL, FL, WA, Bi, Cz, O, Z = 645 cards)
Deck D = 168 cards will be new cards by Uwe (I will upload them to the CAC soon. We need to play test them for Uwe)
Deck J,K = 336 cards will be previously published cards by Play-Agricola.com (from G, Wm, Fr, Pi = 378 cards)
Deck L = 168 cards will be new cards by Play-Agricola.com (from G4, G5 = 240 cards)
There are lots of cards that define your strategy in a negativ way, as you'll never play them. Which leads to a "real" hand size of approx 2-4 cards each.
We don't like that. Uwe wants the game to be open for all players, to reduce the luck in the card draw. Therefore, his idea is to eliminate weak cards and to replace them with power cards from expansions. We need a tournament standard that's good for the next decade.
Still, everything right now is being tested. We won't release anything that Uwe is not 100% sure of. That's why there's a 2016 tag on this. It might be 2017 if the tests take longer than expected.