• IELLO notes that Kanagawa — from Abyss designers Bruno Cathala and Charles Chevallier — is a game about ōkami that's scheduled to debut at Spiel 2016 in October. Beyond that, I've seen no other information on the game. The illustration is by Elk64, and I think she's a newcomer to games. Lots of beautiful illustrations to check out on her DeviantArt page if you want to see more!
• I've already posted about the new edition of Reiner Knizia's Schotten Totten due out from IELLO in June 2016 in France and in Q3 2016 in the U.S., but here's a new card image from illustrator Djib, who offers this tagline: "One shot, one kilt".
• Each week, someone from IELLO walks around the office with a video camera and records what everyone is doing, which often leads to teasers and previews for what's coming out in the future, as with this video that shows off Masato Uesugi and Antoine Bauza's Welcome Back to the Dungeon, a standalone sequel to Welcome to the Dungeon with four new characters — princess, ninja, minstrel and necromancer — that can also be mixed with that original game. The video — which is in French, mind you — shows off the new characters and monsters and gives you lots of symbols to interpret, should you so desire. (Start at the 1:10 to skip the info on Happy Cows — yes, cows, not pigs.)
• Another Spiel 2016 release being teased is Hop! from Funforge, Ludovic Maublanc, and Marie Cardouat, with Cardouat also supplying the illustrations. Here's the summarized description for now: "In Hop!, you will travel the sky and cross the path of the legendary hippopocorns."
• Les Inventeurs (The Inventors) resembles designer Frédéric Henry's The Builders at first glance, but the description of what players do in this Bombyx/Multiverse release that's due out in October 2016 doesn't match that earlier game. An overview: