In any case, here's an overview of this 2-4 player game that bears a 60-90 minute playing time:
The game is played on a 4x4 grid. Both teams have their own copy of the map, separated by a divider. Four dice are rolled each round, and all players program their moves simultaneously by spending those dice. The villains execute their programmed moves first, followed by the spies. When spies take a move action, they must announce some information about their location to the villains, who use this to deduce and track the spies. Both sides have the ability to unlock new tools and get access to more dice each round.
To win, the spies must hack eight times before the villains hit them five times with their weapons.
• Singapore designer/artist/self-publisher David Goh ran a Kickstarter campaign in Q3 2018 for the Jack Kirbyesque-sounding Endogenesis, a 1-5 player game that puts you in the role of cosmic creator. The finished production of the game is due out in October 2019, and here's an overview of the setting and gameplay:
Endogenesis is a competitive arena-styled card game. Collect skills from the Realm of Knowledge to customize your character with different powers, and upgrade them with shards that you can earn by defeating your enemies. Also joining the fray are vicious monsters from the Realm of Chaos. The most powerful of these are called Legendaries; killing them rewards its slayer with a prism. Be the first to collect three prisms and you win!
• Todd Sanders' The Maiden in the Forest, first self-published through his Air and Nothingness Press, has been picked up by Button Shy for release in January 2019. Here's an overview of this solitaire game:
The Maiden in the Forest is an 18-card solitaire game using only cards. The object of the game is to rotate, then turn over, each of the twelve tree cards from their blooming to dormant side. To begin, shuffle the twelve tree cards and place them in a ring like a clock face with their blooming side revealed and the trunks pointing towards the center of the ring. Each card also shows one of four objects. Place the maiden card inside the ring at the 12 o'clock position. Set the four object cards to one side.
Each day, you shuffle the four object cards, then draw the top card. All tree cards with this object may not be touched by the player during this cycle of day and night. You then take the remaining three object cards and use their actions to swap the positions of the tree cards allowed to be touched, keeping their current orientations.
Each night, you may now rotate blossoming tree cards with matching colors or matching objects that you are allowed to touch. Cards are rotated so that their trunks point outward from the ring. Cards previously rotated can then be turned over so that their dormant side is showing. Cards must be rotated (either clockwise or counter-clockwise) or turned over to their dormant side in accordance with the three patterns on the other side of this card. You may use each of the patterns only once during this night, but you may use them in any order you choose.
End the night by moving the maiden card one position in the ring clockwise. If you turn each of the twelve tree cards to their dormant side before the end of twelve clock cycles of day and night, you win your freedom.
In WARIGIN, you have Heaven, Hell, and the Void competing for dominance over the tiny hexagonal landscape, with players bidding for special cards in order to go it alone against the other two forces to see who's going to win out.