Also expected out in that same time period is BAU!, which eggertspiele's Wolf Wittenstein describes as "a simple wooden building game Friedemann Friese has designed to play with his four-year-old". Due out in May/June 2015 is the expected expansion for Steffen Bogen's Camel Up titled Camel Up: Supercup, which consists of four modules for use with the base game and components to allow up to ten people in the game.
My Village is a standalone dice game from Inka and Markus Brand, who won Kennerspiel des Jahres in 2012 for Village. Schulz notes that My Village is a standalone game that "is quite different in gameplay than Village but has about the same weight. Though the main mechanic works with dice, it certainly is not Village: The Dice Game." As long as we're deciding which of our citizens to plant in the ground, I'll have no objections.
For Spiel 2015, eggertspiele plans to release two more involved designs: Mombasa from Alexander Pfister and Porta Nigra from Wolfgang Kramer and Michael Kiesling. In May 2014, based on a playing of the prototype, Dutch blogger Bob Schubert published an overview of Porta Nigra, which is named after a large Roman city gate from the 2nd century in Trier, Germany. The game is set in that place and time, and the players are Roman architects working on this gate. Each player has a master builder that moves around a circular board, with you allowed to buy or build only where this builder is located, although with multiple movement points you can perform actions in different locations, with the type and number of actions coming from cards in your personal draw deck. That overview goes into more detail, but there's no telling what's changed in the subsequent eight months.
As for Mombasa, the game placed first in the 2011 Hippodice game design competition under the name "Africa 1830". Pfister has posted an overview of the game on his blog and estimates the playing time as two hours. Combining that with the information from Hippodice gives the following:
Each round players choose three action cards from their hand, then reveal them simultaneously and carry out the actions. These cards are then placed in a discard pile and the previously played cards recovered for the subsequent round. As players earn funds, they can purchase new action cards or invest in the trading companies, which increases the value of those shares. Each company has a double-sided investment strip, so companies will vary from game to game based on which sides of the strips are revealed.