In this deduction game, you use your influence to meet contacts, gather information, and reveal evidence to identify the replicant. If you discover that you are the replicant, you have to scramble to conceal your identity and avoid early retirement.
Will you find the replicant, or will you be retired?
• WizKids often has a, um, fluid concept of release dates, but here's the current timeline of Dice Masters titles due out in 2020:
—January: WWE Dice Masters: Campaign Box, Bitter Rivals Team Pack, & Tag Teams Team Pack; D&D Dice Masters: Trouble in Waterdeep Campaign Box, Adventures in Waterdeep Team Pack, The Zhentarim Team Pack
—March: Marvel Dice Masters: Avengers Infinity Gauntlet Countertop Display
—June: DC Dice Masters: Superman Kryptonite Crisis Countertop Display
—July: Marvel Dice Masters: Spider-Man Team-Up Campaign Box, Spider-Verse Team Pack
—October: Marvel Dice Masters: The Dark Phoenix Saga Countertop Display
• At Gen Con 2019, I walked through the sprawling Asmodee booth complex several times during the show, but this distributor changed its offerings each day, so I missed seeing some of the games that it was previewing, including a licensed version of Marc André's Splendor coming from Space Cowboys.
This title was previewed again at PAX Unplugged 2019, which reminded me that I had forgotten to post this write-up of Marvel Splendor from Matt Carlson, which originally ran on Opinionated Gamers in one of his Gen Con 2019 overviews. Here's that summary now, reprinted with Carlson's permission: