Players start World War Z: The Game in North America and spread out across the world to battle Zombies (or "Zs") using a combination of weapons, tactics, and unique abilities. Work together, and choose wisely how boldly to strike at the zombie hordes. Being too timid may result in the entire world becoming overrun, but act too aggressively and you could be overwhelmed by zombies and turned against your allies by becoming a Z yourself.
Zombie hordes appear in four different strength levels, and you can defeat them with the right combination of strategy and luck, using the six-, eight-, ten-, and twelve-sided dice included. The starting layout is random so that no game is the same twice! Will you succeed in clearing the world of Zs, or will you become one of the infected?
• In a report on the annual Spielewahnsinn convention in Herne, Germany, BGG user R.A. Vinck describes the Kramer/Kiesling design Glück Auf, coming from eggertspiele in time for Spiel 2013 in both a regular edition and "a limited wooden collector's edition". Here's a summary of the gameplay:
The game lasts three rounds, and in each round players take turns placing their workers on action spaces; you can go on a space occupied by another player, but you need to place additional workers in order to do so. Each player has an individual elevator shaft, and he'll need to use workers to extract coal and bring it to the surface, while also competing for contracts and scrounging for cash in order to do everything else that needs to be done!
• In preparation for its release of Among the Stars: The Ambassadors in late 2013, Greek publisher Artipia Games is conducting an experiment in which BGG readers will collectively design a promotional card for Among the Stars that will be available at Spiel 2013 in October.
• Designer Néstor Romeral Andrés has released the two-player game Hong through his nestorgames publishing house. Here's a summary of the gameplay, the rules for which barely exceed this write-up: