As the high priest of one of these shadowy cults in Kingsport Festival: The Card Game, you must dominate the city. You will invoke cosmic creatures and unholy gods to receive their "gifts", but you must take care to preserve your sanity and thwart the investigators who seek to stop you. This time, you are the bad guys. Why settle for the lesser evil?
Gaslands is unashamedly inspired by classic car combat games and is designed to work with kitbashed Matchbox and Hot Wheels cars.
• While cleaning house in the BGG News queue, I ran across an in-progress post from Phoebe Wild, and while I'd mostly covered the games she had mentioned in posts of my own (since our coordination skills are near nil), I realized that I still hadn't covered the following, so here's Phoebe's write-up:
Publisher Harebrained Schemes has announced that the latest expansion for Golem Arcana — titled Durani: Champions of the Western Wind — has been made available for purchase earlier than expected on January 27, 2015. The publisher has also announced that this will be the final product released for the game, and that the app required to play the game will not be updated since the most recent version was created at the end of 2015. Here's an excerpt from the press release:
The most recent code-update from the end of 2015 is the final state of the App, representing our best foot forward for supporting as many iOS and Android devices and operating systems as possible at that time. We recognize that there are still many minor bugs and sometimes unexpected behavior, and that future devices or OS updates may create additional bugs.
WEM adds: But wait! Turns out that app updates, at least small ones, are possible as on March 10, 2016 Harebrained Schemes' Brian Poel posted "a modest list of changes" for the Golem Arcana app. Adds Poel: "Once the dust settles, assuming everything goes smoothly, we'll begin to prioritize the next possible update (code or data) and we'll just keep chipping away at things as best we can."