Forbidden Stars challenges you and up to three other players to take command of a mighty fighting force: the Ultramarines chapter of Space Marines, the Eldar of Craftworld Iyanden, the Evil Sunz Ork clan, or the World Eaters Warband of the Chaos Space Marines. Each faction offers unique armies and play styles, but your goal remains the same – to claim the key objectives selected for your faction. These objective tokens are scattered throughout the Herakon Cluster, but your opponents are sure to defend your objectives against you. You need to build massive armies and command them in unending war to best your enemies and claim your objectives. The fight for the Herakon Cluster is brutal and bloody, and you will either stride triumphant over the bodies of your fallen foes, or they will do the same to you.
• Steve Jackson Games is involved in many announcements with an entangled web of publishers. First, on its own, SJG plans to launch a Kickstarter campaign on March 31, 2015 for Car Wars Arenas, a reprinting at full Car Wars Classic scale of five arena maps from older CW releases, along with a booklet that details the special features of each arena while also covering revised versions of popular variants like corporate team dueling, an AADA pro circuit, and more. One more step toward its giant, yet not-Ogre-sized Car Wars Kickstarter project that looms on the horizon.
• Speaking of Ogre, in partnership with Your Move Games, SJG will release Ogre: Operation 218, a rethemed version of YMG's The Battle of Hill 218 that drops an Ogre into the gameplay. (The cover shown at left is not final.)
• And it wouldn't be a news post about SJG if it didn't include something Munchkin-related. Specifically, Renegade Game Studios has signed a licensing partnership with SJG in which it will produce collectible trading cards, dog tags, and "treasure packs" based on Munchkin, starting at the end of 2015. From the press release:
Boxes will consist of 24 random packs and at least one sketch card or autograph card can be found, on average, in every box. Additional content including special inserts, redemptions, guest artist, and more surprises will be announced in the coming months.