Okay, maybe it's just me. For those not familiar with Junta, which is being newly released in English by Alderac Entertainment Group based on the 2013 redesign by Pegasus Spiele, here's an overview of the game:
Players may attempt to assassinate the other players by guessing where they will be from among five locations. Players who successfully assassinate another player take that player's money, as the only safe money is the money that has been deposited in a Swiss bank account, and the only way to get to the bank is to survive the assassination round.
If the players are unhappy, and there is an excuse, they can call for a coup, where the opposition players seek to take control of a majority of the power centers. Rebel players control the forces of the role which they were assigned (e.g. army, navy, air force), and players loyal to El Presidente do the same, seeking to control the strongholds until the rebellion is quelled.
The goal is to amass the greatest wealth secreted away in your Swiss bank account.
• Uli Blennemann of Spielworxx has announced that in 2016 he'll release a new title by La Granja designers Andreas Odendahl and Michael Keller that bears the working title of Dice for the Galaxy. (Update, Apr. 27, 2015: Due to the fevered response from people in this post and elsewhere, the working title for this game has been changed to Solar 3X.) Keller offers this short description of the game:
The player who has colonized the most valuable planet at the end of this race and is the most technologically advanced civilization collects the most sun points and wins the game.
Solar 3X is a fast-paced and strategic civilization game, with a novel dice-draft and resource-management mechanism.
• In a round-up of prototypes being shown at the Gathering of Friends, I linked to a long-distance shot of Food Chain Magnate from designers Jeroen Doumen and Joris Wiersinga, who publish as Splotter Spellen, but I didn't include any details of the game. Shame on me. Here's an overview of the game, followed by two pics from Doumen of the prototype:
Food Chain Magnate is a heavy strategy game about building a fast food chain. The focus is on building your company using a card-driven (human) resource management system. Players compete on a variable city map through purchasing, marketing and sales, and on a job market for key staff members. The game can be played by 2-5 serious gamers in 2-4 hours.