Dark Seas is a dicey tile-placement game. Each player builds his island, filling its ports with docks, hideouts, and more. Players sail their ships around their islands, building their reputation by recruiting pirates, gathering doubloons, and acquiring treasure and infamy. Whoever amasses the greatest reputation wins!
• Asmodee has announced a January 7, 2015 release date in North America for Dominique Bodin's Witness from Ystari Games. For details on the gameplay of this deduction game, head to this BGG News preview from August 2014.
• French publisher Moonster Games has picked up Gary Kim's Abraca... what? for release in France in Q1 2015.
• I posted the other day about Theomachy having an English-language release thanks to a co-publication deal between original Polish publisher Fabryka Gier Historycznych and U.S. publisher Petersen Games. Well, Sandy Petersen has passed along the following additional details about plans for the game — or should I say "games"?
That's a rhetorical question because, yes, games. According to Petersen, the design will be broken out into two separate releases: Theomachy: The Warrior Gods — which will include the pantheons of Norse, Old Slavonic, Celtic, and the Great Old Ones (including Cthulhu) — and Theomachy: The Ancients — which will include the pantheons of Greece, Babylonian, Egypt, and the Outer Gods (including Yog-Sothoth). Says Petersen, "There will be some differences in gameplay and cards between the two sets, but they will still be compatible."
• In June 2012, in a list of forthcoming games from Bruno Faidutti, I included Raptor, co-designer with Bruno Cathala. That game, a two-player assymetric design, is now on the 2015 publication schedule from Matagot, according to Cathala. In case you want to play game detective and try to decipher rules from a prototype, Cathala tweeted pics of the Raptor prototype and other prototypes in October prior to Spiel 2014:
For those who missed it previously, I posted about the prototype of 7 Wonders Duel in May 2014.
• In March 2014, I mentioned that French publisher Asyncron Games was working on a new edition of Serge Laget's Mare Nostrum, with this edition including rules for play with only two in addition to the previous player range of 3-5. In a Dec. 4, 2014 update, Asyncron notes that it's entered the fine-tuning and editing phase of the game development; in addition, it's started a Mare Nostrum Facebook page to start showcasing art from the game.
• With Temporum now available at retail stores, I'll point out an August 2014 note from designer Donald X. Vaccarino that the game initially had no expansions planned for it, but "[a] while later we were playing the game a lot and I decided to make one. I finished the expansion early this year [2014]. I don't know if it will come out; it's up to RGG and you guys. If it comes out I don't know if there will ever be a 2nd one; there would need to be demand and I would have to make it."
• Stefano Castelli's Gnominia, for which I shot a demo video at Spielwarenmesse in 2013, will apparently be available in some form at Spielwarenmesse 2015, according to the designer. Time to reshoot a demo with my now non-goateed face!