In the same tweet, Valley mentions that it's working on a Die Macher reprint for 2013.
• At the GAMA Trade Show (GTS), Fantasy Flight Games unveiled Relic, a game set in the Warhammer 40k universe that uses the Talisman game system. Cover image at DakkaDakka.com.
• The weird genre mash-up image that Alderac tweeted in late February 2012 (mentioned here on BGG News) has been revealed at GTS to be a "shufflebuilding game of total awesomeness" titled Smash Up by designer Paul Peterson. Cover image via LivingDice.com and a generally blurry and somewhat uninformative overview image via Alderac's events manager Daniel Briscoe.
• Also at GTS, Gary Games had revealed the existence of yet another stand-alone game/expansion for its Ascension line titled Ascension: Immortal Heroes, as mentioned on BGG News the other day. Gary Games has now posted more details about the title, and the game page is live on BGG.
• Lords of Waterdeep co-designer Peter Lee has posted another design and development diary on the Wizards.com website focusing on "iterative design" and how the buildings, lords, quest, intrigue cards, and more changed over time. Look for something from Waterdeep's other co-designer Rodney Thompson this coming Monday, March 19.
• Steve Jackson Games' Phil Reed, who has been tweeting about progress on Ogre: 6th Edition on the shared SJG Twitter account, posted a pic of a mock-up box showing how incredibly large the published game might be. Seriously – the thing would need its own shelf.
• Designers Cameron Browne and Néstor Romeral Andrés have released an 87-page book of rules for thirty games that can be played with Browne's Shibumi game system, with many of the games being contributed by others via a Shibumi challenge design contest. You can download the PDF for free from the nestorgames website or order a printed version of the book via Lulu.
• Kevin G. Nunn's Schlock Mercenary: Capital Offensive – the second-most funded board game Kickstarter project to date – is now available for preorder for those not among the 1,111 people who backed the KS project.
• Speaking of Kickstarter, Matthew Rodgers' Who's for Dinner?, a "take that!" card game about cannibalism, is now live on the fundraising site. A short game description: "Each player controls a tribe of cannibals as they try to assemble the best combination of spices to score points when they are eaten. Additionally there are meal cards that provide bonus points if certain conditions are fulfilled. Most of your points come from being eaten, but a few cards even let you score points for eating other players." (KS link)