To claim a crystal, you must occupy two of the three crystal zones without the opponent being there, which means you need to coordinate your actions so that you can score on your turn before the moment is lost. The action system is somewhat open, with one player taking actions as they wish — with each action having its own cost — until the initiative marker is moved into the opponent's half of the initiative track, after which the opponent starts fighting back. English rules are already posted (PDF) should you want more details.
• Vital Lacerda's Kanban: Automotive Revolution will be available in a new edition in October 2017 from Stronghold Games with no changes other than differently-shaped cars for each color and a double-sided game board "to help newcomers to understand the board in an easier way", according to Lacerda.
• Martin Wallace's The Arrival, a reimplementation of Mordred released by newcomer Game's Up at SPIEL 2016, has been picked up by Cryptozoic Entertainment for release in English in Q4 2017. The publisher's Dekan Wheeler mentions that this edition will feature "new art, slight rules adjustments, and an advanced mode of play".
• Iron Curtain is a two-player microgame from Asger Harding Granerud, Daniel Skjold Pedersen, and Ultra PRO that challenges players to dominate battlegrounds — majorities, area control and domino effects — to assert their influence in the world. Iron Curtain is due out in August 2017.
• In November 2017, Fireside Games will release Kaiju Crush from Justin De Witt and Tim Armstrong, with players crushing city tiles and marking those spaces with territory markers to complete secret objectives and satisfy their lizard brains. You can fight each other, of course, with each kaiju having special abilities layered on top of a five-fold RPS-style combat system.