The first player to collect six of the seven heroes wins.
In the game, players are companies established in the Free Zone of Colon and they will try to find a way to negotiate contracts in order to use the ships that are arriving in both parts of the Canal. Ships are coming from both U.S. coasts, China and Europe, and they represent an opportunity of making money. If one can deliver containers into a ship, this ship should traverse the Channel in the most possible efficient way. Players have ways to get the locks opened and closed, get better contracts, invest in the stock market and hire the best characters to help them.
Panamax is an economic game, with simple rules and a very interactive way of making movement through the Canal, ship and deliver goods for profits. A volatile market in which players can make investments is also present and a competition for the best ship and the best way to make money.
• The Fleet team of Ben Pinchback and Matt Riddle has a new title coming from Gryphon Games: Eggs and Empires, which will head to Kickstarter in April 2014 as is the case with everything from Gryphon. An overview of the gameplay:
Outwit your opponents to collect as many good eggs as possible — that is, ones worth victory points (VPs) — while avoiding those nasty exploding eggs! Whoever collects the most VPs over three rounds wins.
• While waiting for 404: Law Not Found to make its way through production through production and into the hands of KS backers, designer Gregory Carslaw of 3DTotal Games has been working on a new design titled Wizard's Academy, which takes the standard "wizard apprentices learning spells and mucking things up" and presents it in what he hopes is a new way. A summary of the setting and gameplay:
Wizard's Academy is a co-operative game of magical experimentation for 2-5 players. In each game, the players select a scenario, such as summoning and binding a demon to steal its powers, defending the academy against an attack by an army of Imps, or (in the most difficult scenario) facing an academy inspector whom they must impress with their mastery of magic.
Players move around the academy collecting glyphs in order to cast spells. At first, the effects of the spells are unknown, but as the players try new things, the students gain the power to manipulate the academy, the creatures within it, and the fates themselves – ideally achieving their goals before the monsters and elements that they've accidentally summoned reduce the building to smoking rubble.