This luckless game was inspired by John Bohrer's development of Chicago Express and the Historic Railroads System from Winsome Games. Set in the United States east of the Mississippi, American Rails features player-controlled variable turn order, "city dilution", and variable set-ups, giving this cutthroat train game an unprecedented level of replayability.
In Warlock, you must use the skills and powers of mythical creatures such as giants, wizards and gnomes to build your empire and thwart your opponents. Each card offers four possibilities, and by using your cards strategically, you can build the biggest empire, be released to return home, and win the game.
Malacca is a fast-paced card game based on estimating other players' strategy and choosing the right play and wager. You can best your opponents by estimating their strategy and utilizing it for your own purposes. Whoever acquires the biggest treasure after twelve rounds wins!
During a turn, a player draws and rolls a number of his dice, purchases additional dice, and fields character dice to attack the other player. A player wins once the opposing player has been reduced to zero life.