Immortal 8 is a civilization drafting game for 3-8 players from Moonster Games' Emmanuel Beltrando due out in October 2018 that has a playing time of eight minutes per player. Artist David Sitbon, French though he may be, does not need to apologize for creating this eye-grabbing cover. As for the gameplay, here's an overview:
During the two rounds of the game, they play a maximum total of five cards (three during the first round and two during the second) by drafting them. A round of Immortal 8 is divided into three phases :
1) Living Draft: Each player drafts five cards (four cards during the second round) and can play a maximum of three cards (two during the second round). The players gain bonuses from played cards and gold coins from cards they drafted but did not play.
2) Kingdom: Starting with the first player, each player takes all actions at once before the next player takes their turn. In any order, the active player can activate all cards in their player area, only one wonder, and opponent's buildings by paying the trading cost.
3) Supremacy: The player with the most military tokens gains a supremacy token, then the player with the most science tokens gains a supremacy token.
At the end of the Supremacy phase of the second round, players tally points to see who wins.
• In July 2018, WizKids will release SEAL Team Flix, a "game of tactical dexterity" from Pete Ruth and Mark Thomas that sounds like viewing it in person might be the best way to understand what's going on, but for now we have this description:
The game has two modes: campaign and skirmish. In campaign mode, players embark on an eight-mission non-linear adventure. Individual SEALs will get promoted several times over the course of the campaign...if they live. In skirmish mode, simply play one of the 17 missions as a standalone set-piece.
SEAL Team Flix is an objective-based game, with primary and secondary objectives which need to be resolved to successfully complete each mission. For example, in some missions, you must locate and acquire intelligence against the terrorist organization Gaia's Hope. In others, you must disarm time bombs or rescue hostages. While you are given intelligence at the beginning of each mission as to the number and nature of the objectives that need to be completed, every game will be different because you will never know where on the map they are until you physically locate them with your SEALs. The game's difficulty scales both with the number of SEALs playing as well as with three optional difficulty levels.
The game features pre-assembled plastic miniatures that accurately capture the look and feel of Mike Mignola's world famous comic series.