Here's an overview of this 3-6 player game:
Become the first among equals by amassing honor! Become happy by amassing cake! Send your friends' pawns to the guillotine! First to forty cakes wins!
Let Them Eat Cake is a game of committees, coercion, and cake. Elect your friends to positions of power in the hope that they look on your patronage favorably — or denounce them as enemies of the revolution. Alliances and betrayal are all fair game as you try to amass as much cake as you can before the revolution collapses.
• Craig Stern's True Messiah from Sinister Design has a compelling setting and equally fantastic art, both of which recall the Heresy CCG of the mid-1990s (at least from what I can recall of it). Here's what's going on in the game:
From the ruins have now arisen cults led by charismatic, messianic figures possessed of seemingly divine powers derived from the still-functioning Engine. You are one such a figure — the true one, the Messiah. It is God's will that you build temples and marshal followers, then mold their beliefs to perform miracles and destroy your rivals. They'll be doing the same, but don't worry – God is on your side...
• In the category of "it makes perfect sense when you think about it, but I'm still having a hard time believing it's real" comes H.E.A.D. Hunters from designers Ben Cichoski and Danny Mandel and publisher Gut Shot Games. Here's what I'm talking about:
In more detail, in this tabletop game for two or more players, each player controls their own Hero of Every Age & Dimension (H.E.A.D.) Hunter. Each toy features its own deck of cards, unique starting terrain and buildings, measuring string, and combat dice to attack and defend against other Hunters as it moves around the table for position and opportunity. When the game is over, all the components fit back inside the toy's head.