Atlantis Rising will now return to market in 2019 in an updated edition from Elf Creek Games, a new U.S. publisher that debuted in late 2017 with a Kickstarter project for End of the Trail, a press-your-luck design about the California Gold Rush that's due out in mid-2018. Ciscell has detailed changes in the second edition of this game here on BGG, but for those to whom the game is new, I present this overview:
Atlantis Rising is a co-operative worker placement game in which you must work together with up to five other players to deploy citizens across your homeland, gathering resources in order to build a mystic gate that can save your people. Workers placed close to the shoreline are more rewarding, but are more likely to be flooded and the actions lost.
Every turn, each player draws a misfortune card that will flood certain locations along the ever-shrinking Atlantis shoreline, or may otherwise work to undermine your efforts to save your people. So you must race to gather the necessary resources to build and power the gate, before the island disappears beneath the waves forever.
• I shouldn't be surprised by how many new games slip through my net given that the sea of game releases is vast, but I remain surprised just the same. In December 2017, for example, Esdevium released a small card-drafting game for 2-5 players from Brett J. Gilbert titled Beowulf Legends: Terror at Heorot, with Sophisticated Games handling the licensing of the design (and serving as co-publisher) and Italian RPG publisher NEED GAMES! picking up this title for release in Italy in 2018. Here's a summary of this mysterious release:
The game takes place over four rounds, each representing one night of feasting. During the feasts, players draft cards to collect valuable gold coins and healing balms, receive the honour of Heorot, and sing songs to the glory of Hrothgar in the hope of being rewarded with one of his gifts. At the end of each feast, the next Grendel and Feast cards are revealed to determine who Grendel attacks, inflicting "scratches" on one or more of the players.
After the fourth feast, Beowulf arrives and defeats the monster Grendel, and Hrothgar rewards Beowulf for finally ridding Heorot of Grendel's terror, but Beowulf is generous, and shares these gifts with the players who he considers to be the most honorable. Before the true hero of Heorot can be celebrated, however, the player who suffered the most at Grendel's terrible hand is laid to rest by his comrades, and his gold coins buried with him.
• To follow up on the mid-March 2018 news of What's Your Game? bringing designers Nuno Sentieiro and Paulo Soledade on staff and moving to Portugal, Sentieiro says that the publisher's plans for 2018 consist of a Kickstarter project for Brasil (which is not coincidentally from those two designers), a big expansion for the 2016 release Railroad Revolution, and the SPIEL '18 debut of Primus, a 2-4 player game from designers Costa and Rôla that hits the WYG? playing time of 1-2.5 hours. Here's an overview:
In Primus, you are the next great name of the family to reach the notoriety in Rome in the last century B.C. Can you be the first in wealth, in peace keeping, in politics and in social prestige? Will you focus your efforts in shaping the provinces or will you cunningly maneuver in the backstage of senate? What alliances will you pursuit and with whom will you establish them?