November 2011
-----—Cyclades (restock)
-----—Hattari (pub: Moonster Games)
-----—Jungle Speed: Rabbids
-----—Mr. Jack (restock; pub: Hurrican)
-----—Québec (pub: Le Scorpion Masqué/Ystari)
-----—Takenoko (pub: Matagot)
December 2011
-----—Dr. Shark (pub: Hurrican)
-----—Eclipse (pub: Lautapelit.fi)
-----—Evo (new edition)
January 2012
-----—Gosu: Kamakor (pub: Moonster Games)
-----—Skull & Roses Red (pub: lui-même)
February 2012
-----—Bonbons (pub: Game Works)
-----—Cyclades: Hades (pub: Matagot)
-----—Mundus Novus
-----—Offboard (pub: Tactic)
-----—Sidi Baba (pub: Hurrican)
-----—Tschak! (pub: Game Works)
• Spanish publisher nestorgames has released Cameron Browne's Hop it!. Players control a team of tadpoles and frogs, and they move one piece each turn. Tadpoles scoot along one space at a time, moving only into empty areas, while frogs can either move like a tadpole or jump over one or more pieces (as long as at least one enemy piece is jumped). When jumped, enemy frogs are removed, and tadpoles of both colors mature into frogs. A frog must jump an enemy piece when possible, so forced maturation can lead to subsequent forced moves – and any frog stuck on a lilypad for more than a turn gets eaten by the birds surrounding the pond.
• Eruption from Chris James and Stratus Games, which debuted at Spiel 2011 in limited numbers, has a worldwide release date of November 9, 2011.
• Out of the Box Publishing has announced a trio of expansions due out February 2012:
-----—Word on the Street: Expansion 1, with another 216 double-sided category cards
-----—Faux•Cabulary: Expansion 1 and Expansion 2, each with new word-segment dice and new definition cards
• Clever Mojo Games has announced Haathi – an elephant-racing game from Bruno Faidutti, Sérgio Halaban and André Zatz – with a prospective release date of late 2012 or early 2013. CMG has not released much detail about the game other than the following blurb: Haathi "depicts a fantastical elephant race through the villages, jungles, and mountains of storybook India. Haathi is light enough to entice young gamers and competitive enough to test experienced game enthusiasts."
• Cliff Bohm and Geoff Bottone's High Noon Saloon is due out in early November 2011 from Slugfest Games.
• Designer Rainer Habekost has announced on BGG that Flying Buffalo Games is importing TF22 – which has many similarities to Full Métal Planète – for sale in the U.S. at a retail price of $189.
• Oh my, should I really post another list of game-related Kickstarter projects? Folks seem to like investigating these projects and seeing what others are both pitching to gamers and supporting, so here goes:
-----—Joseph Murray's Shadow Days (Black Tea Studios, KS link), which includes a special BoardGameGeek user reward.
-----—James T. Kato's Imperial Crusade Armada (KS link)
-----—Aaron Belmer's Sanitarium (Asmadi Games, KS link), for which I posted a designer diary from Belmer on BGG News
-----—The collectible card game Time Wars (KS link)
-----—Andy Erickson's Hench: The Game (KS link), with "hench" referring to those henchmen who assist your evil plans for world domination and non-fattening cupcakes