• Queen Games has passed along details about the new edition of Wallenstein debuting at Spiel 2011. The based game is largely the same, although it's been tweaked through the addition of bonus tiles that are acquired while determining player order and a reduction in the number of event cards in the game. This version also includes two expansions that can be added to the game separately or together that allow players to earn additional bonuses – money, armies, etc. – during play based on either their presence in four or more regions or the number of courtiers they present to the emperor.
• Jay Tummelson at Rio Grande Games has posted one of his infrequent newsletters that update what you can expect to see from the U.S. publisher. The news falls into three buckets:
—Titles due out in October or November
-----Friday, Power Grid: First Sparks, Power Grid: The Robots, Salty Dog, South Pole, Stone Age: Style is the Goal, and Puerto Rico Anniversary Edition.
—Titles due out in early 2012 (or possibly December 2011)
-----Arctic Scavengers, Cavemen, Carcassonne: The Falcon, Those Pesky Garden Gnomes, Rattlebones, Credit Mobilier, Mogul, Monster Factory, and several others.
—Digital versions of existing games
-----Says Tummelson, "We have ... licensed Dominion's digital rights, and we expect it will be available in various forms by the end of the year. Race for the Galaxy will also appear in digital form in early 2012."
• Mayfair Games has verified the forthcoming release of The Rivals for Catan: Age of Darkness, a 90-card expansion for The Rivals for Catan that breaks down into three 30-card theme sets. Age of Darkness retails for $15 and has a November 17, 2011 release date in the U.S.
• Claustrophobia: De Profundis might be at the bottom of the Pacific Ocean.