• According to designer Antoine Bauza, Belgian publisher Repos Production will be showing off both the Leaders expansion for 7 Wonders and the second expansion for Ghost Stories known as Black Secret. Both items are still in prototype for now, with nothing more than a name for Black Secret, but woot!
• As reported on Jeux sur un Plateau, the first game from the newly revived Jeux Descartes will be a new edition of Philippe Keyaerts' Evo with a complete graphics overhaul to replace the cartoony dinosaurs with weighty, realistic beasts. Advance (and non-final) images are posted on the Asmodee website.
• The bluffing card game Skull & Roses from Hervé Marly – not yet released but still in the running for this year's l'As d'Or, a French game of the year award – now has its own website, with rules in German, French, Dutch and Spanish. The game is scheduled to debut at Cannes in February 2011.
• Tric Trac reports that Christophe Boelinger will be at Cannes with his company Ludically to show off projects currently in the works, including a two-player card game Castle, an abstract game for 2-4 players called Sarena, a party game called Rimes et Rap that comes with its own CD of music, and the next expansion for Dungeon Twister, one featuring lots of traps.
• Jedisjeux reports that Libellud will not only release Bugs & Co. at Cannes and show off the previously announced Dixit Odyssey, but it will also have a third new game: Et Toque! Nothing more than the names of the designers – Barbara Turquier and Emmanuelle Piard – and a tiny cover showing chefs is available for now.
• Alderac Entertainment Group has announced Thunderstone: Thornwood Siege, with a release date of June 2011. Here's the short description: "This expansion to Thunderstone introduces new monsters such as the Raiders and Siege Engines which bring the battle to you! These monsters can destroy cards in the village, kill heroes not yet hired, and even hurt you on turns when you are avoiding the dungeon!"
• Sands of Time Games is releasing a small card-based expansion for Catacombs titled Dark Passageways.
• Spanish publisher nestorgames has released Javier García's Mecca. Rules posted in English on the Mecca page on the nestorgames website.
• Purple Pawn has posted an overview of Battleship Galaxies, which is due out from Hasbro in Q2/Q3 2011.
• Fantasy Flight Games has posted rules (PDF) for Mansions of Madness.
• Designer Michael Schacht has posted an image of the extra cards for his card game Coloretto that were included in a recent Abacusspiele catalog – "Katalog-Edition 11". Time to download and cut!
• Pegasus Spiele has posted a new German-language scenario called "Die Gruft" (The Tomb) for Quest: Zeit der Helden.