• Speaking of the Vs. System 2PCG, Upper Deck notes that attendees of BGG.CON Spring (which takes place May 27-30, 2016) will receive extended art Venom promo cards. Whoever does the best impersonation of Venom at the Upper Deck exhibitor booth receives a bonus set. I look forward to videotaping those efforts!
• Here's something that I missed months ago: White Goblin Games is reprinting the base game of Åse and Henrik Berg's Rattus and expects to have information in mid-2016 about its availability. Some of the Rattus expansions and promos are still available in the WGG webshop, and it expects to release "new things later this year", i.e. 2016.
• Following Imhotep's nomination for the 2016 Spiel des Jahres, Thames & Kosmos — the U.S. branch of German publisher KOSMOS — has announced that it will release that game in North America on June 21, 2016, instead of in August 2016 as previously planned. (I'm checking whether copies will be available at Origins Game Fair, which takes plae in mid-June.) Clearly those goods aren't crossing the Atlantic on a solar ship...
• Helaina Cappel of Kids Table BG notes that it's headed to Kickstarter in September 2016 to get backing for Problem Picnic: Attack of the Ants from Kickstarter king Scott Almes. No details on the gameplay yet, but clearly ant farms need to be a stretch goal.
• Mariano Iannelli from What's Your Game? posted the following teaser image on Facebook, noting that they're "[t]esting the next game from Zhanguo's authors", those being Marco Canetta and Stefania Niccolini. He expects this title — whatever it might be — to be released at Spiel 2016.