• Starship Command, a two-decade-old spaceship-to-spaceship combat design from Inferno Games, is coming back to print, with the expansion (Starship Command II) being included in the same package. The publisher is taking preorders on its website, with the preorder price going up after the end of March 2012.
• Spanish publisher nestorgames has released a nice-looking version of Dieter Stein's Volo, in which players place and maneuver birds of their color on the game board in order to create a single flock.
• I haven't done a Kickstarter round-up in some time because plenty of other games have been coming down the pike. That said, here are a few titles raising funds on – wait a second, not Kickstarter but IndieGoGo, which is another crowdfunding site that's been deluged with game designers and publishers who want funding for various projects. Games on offer include:
-----* Briefcase, from Greek publisher Artipia Games, which debuted at Spiel 2011 with the gorgeous Drum Roll and is continuing with this equally striking game. (IndieGoGo link)
-----* Wilderness, which had a few handmade copies available at Spiel 2011 for an outrageous sum of money. The four brothers Fryxelius – who put the "Fryx" in FryxGames – are now trying to fund a more affordable version of Wilderness. (IndieGoGo link)
-----* Vanuatu, a reprint of this Alain Epron design that caught a lot of attention (and caused a lot of groaning and gnashing of teeth) following its release at Spiel 2011. (IndieGoGo link)
And well, that's about it for board and card games, although the site does have RPG and video gaming projects on the go. You'll have to investigate those yourself, though, as I'm moving on...