Players assume the roles of four distinct characters from this series: Geralt of Rivia, monster slayer; Triss Merigold, cunning sorceress; Yarpen Zigrin, dwarven warrior; and Dandelion, roguish bard. Each character has unique skills and multiple ways of overcoming obstacles, but you decide what to do during the game: Do you fight your way to victory, call on your charm, or try your hand at diplomacy? You can bring enemies around to your point of view with a sword as Geralt - or bribe them with gold and threaten to call on powerful friends as Dandelion. If a situation calls for strength in numbers, Yarpen has his own fellowship of dwarves to command, and Triss can rely on her expert skill with magic to save the day.
Each character has its own deck of Development Cards, so each time you play you can discover something new by trying out varied characters and experimenting with different builds. For example, when playing as Geralt of Rivia, the main hero of the Witcher franchise, you can develop your character either by specializing in brewing and utilizing combat Elixirs, or else by growing your ability to cast powerful Witcher Signs.
A variety of quests invite players to hunt monsters, earn gold and interact with the characters they meet in a web of alliances and treachery. Decide whether you’ll help the other players or look after your own interests first, and keep an eye on the progress of your friends while you carefully work your way towards victory.
In this game, players take on the roles of adventurous human spacemen who explore UFOs, acquire Alien technology and fight hostile extraterrestrials. Each turn, spacemen have three action points to spend on activities such as firing their atomic rifles, analyzing exotic equipment, or subduing the malicious Brain-in-a-Jar. When the spacemen are finished, the aliens take their turns by following simple movement and combat protocols; seven types of hostile aliens threaten the players, from the repulsive mind leeches to the rampaging titanic sentinels.
Space Cadets: Away Missions contains fifteen scenarios linked in a campaign story. Each mission features different combinations of aliens on different spaceships, with hexagonal map tiles arranged to form flying saucers, rocket ships, space stations, etc. Cooperation, tactical planning and good dice are essential if the spacemen hope to overcome the relentless horde of little green men.
• U.S. publisher Z-Man Games will release the three early 2014 titles from Hans im Glück — Helios, Brügge: Die Stadt am Zwin and Carcassonne: Schafe und Hügel — in English in Q3 2014.
• I love to see games pop up in unexpected places, partly because it's fun to have games all around you and partly because unexpected gaming puts more attention on gaming in general. One such example is Wurf & Wort, a German word game by designer Michael Schacht that challenges you to think in syllables instead of letters. This game was released in December 2013 by M. DuMont Schauberg and is tagged "The game of Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger magazines". A summary:
Whoever comes up with a valid word first scores the sum of the letter values for each appropriate letter in her answer times the points multiplier on the card, up to a maximum of ten points. If the answerer chooses an inappropriate word — or a majority of players vote down the word for being off-category — the answerer loses three points. After all 25 category cards have been played, the player with the most points wins.