• Reiner Stockhausen's Siberia, which was available only for playing at Spiel 2011, is now available from dlp games, Stockhausen's own publishing company. For those in the U.S., Siberia will be carried by Global Games Distribution, so retailers will be able to order the game that way.
• Italian publisher Giochi Uniti – which publishes (mostly trivia) games under its own brand, strategy/genre games under its Stratelibri brand, and lighter titles under its Stupor Mundi brand – has a trio of new games on the calendar for 2012. Okay, and for late 2011 as Goblins: Epic Death (Stratelibri) has already been released in Italy, with the English edition due out in the U.S. in Feb/March 2012.
Rhein River Trade, a Stupor Mundi title from designers Marco Canetta and Stefania Niccolini due out sometime in 2012, has players doing just that: trading on the Rhein River. Still awaiting more details on this one.
Bookmaker, from Giochi Uniti's own Giuseppe De Carolis, is a horse-racing and gambling game due out in 2012 with the most meme-ready cover ever. Who wants to get started on that?
Dungeon Venture is a nicely produced version of the print-and-play dungeon crawler Venture from designer Mario Barbati. Available only in English, Dungeon Venture is due out at some point during 2012.
• Pegasus Spiele used the image at right on its holiday card for 2011. A sign of expansions to come in Michael Schacht's Mondo, or merely a brief intrusion of humans in this puzzly landscape?
• U.S. publisher Toy Vault has announced Abaddon from designer Richard Borg with a short description of the game being "Memoir '44 in space" and a longer description of the game being "Memoir '44 in space but with a few differences". See the game page for a more detailed description.
• Gunship: First Strike from designer Steve A. Wood and Escape Pod Games is another take on tactical space combat, although players aren't jonesing for Freebasium in this game. Instead they want to build spaceships and pile on the weapons and upgrades before blasting opponents into shiny space dust suitable only for being whisked around in the tail of a passing comet. Wood has posted a video of a prototype version of the game to give a taste of what's coming.
• This is more "new look" than "new", but in any case Hans im Glück will sell PDF files for Carcassonne Winter Edition, with two files being sold – Teil I and Teil II – for €2 each. The tiles will supposedly become available on December 20, and once you receive the files, you'll need to print and cut them, preferably after attaching them to poster board or something stiff enough to make playing easy.