That deal is now being undone, at least to a small degree, with Plaid Hat announcing that as of Feburary 2020 it will leave the Asmodee Group to become an independent business once again — albeit with a few titles from its catalog being left behind as it walks out the door. Here's an excerpt from the PHG press release about this deal:
Asmodee retains the rights to publish the following game titles: Dead of Winter, Raxxon, Mice and Mystics, Stuffed Fables, Aftermath, and Battlelands. Asmodee has also retained the rights to the Adventure Book Games brand. Going forward, Dead of Winter and Raxxon will be published and supported by Fantasy Flight Games.
Mice and Mystics, Stuffed Fables, Aftermath, and Battlelands will be published and supported by Z-Man Games. Both Fantasy Flight Games and Z-Man Games are publishers belonging to the Asmodee Group.
"And, on a personal note, it's been a real privilege for me to get to know Colby, Jerry, and Isaac over the past several years — not only as creative professionals, but also as true industry friends. Now that Colby's back to his indie roots as a small business owner, I can't wait to see what Plaid Hat comes up with next!"
Plaid Hat Games is the second Asmodee studio to regain its independence, with HeidelBÄR Games having been the first in March 2019.