First, the paper supplier for Through the Ages went out of business, which means that the exact paper used in the base game is not available. Second, the cardstock used in the base game wasn't consistent anyway across all of the printings, which means that no matter what CGE produced, some base sets wouldn't be matched. To solve this problem, CGE plans to include a full set of all base game military cards in every copy of the expansion so that all cards will match.
• Do you want more Teotihuacan in your life? Designer Daniele Tascini and publisher Board&Dice would like to fulfill that desire with the March 2020 release of Teotihuacan: Shadow of Xitle, which contains ten new technologies and ten new starting tiles to provide more variety from the first turn and throughout the game.
• Queen Games is working on a new expansion for Rüdiger Dorn's Rune Stones, an expansion that bears the working titles "The Enchanted Forest" and "The Familiars.
Hier einfach mal 3 Bilder zum anschauen und spekulieren... @real_QueenGames testet und entwickelt weiter in Sachen Rune Stones von und u.a. mit Rüdiger Dorn... Projekttitel "The Enchanted Forest" oder auch "The Familiars". #RuneStones #Druiden pic.twitter.com/PzWV21b0Ud
— Ulrich @ Queen Games (@UFonrobert) November 17, 2019