For now, though, I'm looking ahead to Gen Con 2015, which runs July 30 to August 2, which means the con opens in just over seven weeks, which means it's time for designers and publishers to submit details of what they'll have. I've already been compiling BGG's Gen Con 2015 Preview, but it's far from complete at this point. If you're a designer or publisher who will be selling or demonstrating new or upcoming games at Gen Con 2015, please email me (wericmartin AT gmail.com) the following details:
• Your booth number
• Games that you will debut at Gen Con 2015
• Games released since April 2015 that will be available at Gen Con 2015
• Games that you will preview ahead of a future release date (and their anticipated release dates)
Please include "Gen Con 2015" in the subject line, and note that the convention is titled "Gen Con" with a space. If possible, please return this list to me by the end of Thursday, June 12 so that your games will be included in the Gen Con 2015 Preview when it goes live on Monday, June 15. You're welcome to include prices (and discounted convention prices) in your list.
If your games aren't already listed on BGG, details on how to submit them, designers and publishers to the BGG database are here. After all, if the games aren't listed in the BGG database, I can't link to them in the Gen Con 2015 Preview!
I already have copies of a few titles that will officially debut at Gen Con 2015 — Tides of Time, Flick 'em Up!, Bad Beets, Cthulhu Realms (which I need to enter in the db) — and will be previewing those games in this space in the weeks ahead. You're welcome to contact me about previewing your Gen Con 2015 debut, and I'll see what's possible in the time that remains before tens of thousands of people descend on Indianapolis for the self-described "best four days in gaming".